Hello, gorgeous!

This is a safe place to ask your toughest questions and find your deepest purpose!

What are you looking for in a guy?

What are you looking for in a guy?


When you think of your future Romeo or Prince Charming, what qualities do you want him to have? Do you want him to have perfect teeth, a fit body, chiseled face, lots of money, popularity etc.?  Sometime we forget that these attributes are only temporary. One day he will grow old and, yes, he might develop a belly and his face will sag and, sadly, he will lose his teeth. So try to concentrate on deeper more meaningful qualities that will last a life time. DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS!!

Ask God to give you a guy that is:

SPIRITUAL: So when problems arise you can pray together & find strength in God

RESPECTFUL: So that he can respect your body and remain pure until marriage

A FRIEND: So that your friendship can last a life time & goes beyond just physical attraction

TRUSTWORTHY: So that even when he’s not around you know that he’s being a young man of integrity

KIND: So that he treats you well ike the true princess you are

SENSE OF HUMOR: So that you can spend beautiful moments laughing together

There are obviously more qualities and the list can go on. Of course there’s no such thing as the perfect guy, however, God can give you an amazing young man that will make you very happy. While you wait for him to be ‘delivered,’ work on making yourself the most amazing young woman possible!

Share your thoughts with #Gorgeous2God on Facebook and Instagram.



O, Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?

O, Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?