The part that stings is the wondering—what happened?
This is a safe place to ask your toughest questions and find your deepest purpose!
Do you have to share your past history? If so, how? And when is the best time to do it?
At first I didn’t really notice. Or I should say I chose to ignore the signs. The wrong guy taught me a lot of the right things. Emotions cannot be the foundation for a relationship. Neither can sex.
I never understood the importance of waiting until after I lost my virginity. I guess we can’t understand the value of what we possess until we give it away. The world tells you that casual sex is fun and exciting—men can have casual sex, why can’t you?
In high school one of my best friends slept with my boyfriend. And if I am being honest, her and I really aren’t that different.
The Song of Solomon is a beautiful book of romantic poetry. And it's also ... a little uncomfortable for Christians to talk about.
What doesn’t have to happen after your heart has been broken is for you to heap more heartbreak on top of it.
Find your joy in Him… do not let your soul wander into how your situation looks impossible, but believe and receive what He is doing in the waiting. He is the God of the impossible.
As pointless dates went on, hurt and confusion crept in. I knew God was protecting me and wanting me to do something big with my life, but sadly none of the boys I was attracted to were even attracted to the idea of God, let alone loved God.
If you are the woman of his dreams, do you really think he is going to let you go because you didn’t answer his text?
Lots of girls are either doing it or being called nuns if they aren’t. Need a reason to wait? We have more than a few.
I have watched so many of my friends lay themselves across train tracks, certain that their Romeo would pull the brake before dashing their hearts into a million pieces.
Your history is not your destiny and I wish I had consulted God before I ever went on my first date.