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Benefits of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera

We asked three women how they use Aloe Vera in their everyday life. It’s simple and, best of all, natural.


I sunburn easily and Aloe Vera always comes to my recue. After being in the sun for too long and I’m hurting from the burn, I put a long stem of Aloe in the freezer for 5 minutes, then slice it open and rub the cooling gel all over the hot red areas. It soothes immediately!


I never use anything else besides Aloe Vera gel to shave my legs and underarms. It is anti-inflammatory due to its enzymes, and because of its high water content, it’s very hydrating. Aloe will provide you with silky smooth skin. Trust me!


Slice ½ of 1 stem down the middle without losing the gel.  Scoop the gel into a container. Dampen your legs with water and rub the gel on one leg at a time.

Shave as normal. Once both legs are shaved, apply Aloe Vera gel to prevent razer burn.


Homemade natural hair detangler is a snap to make! Just add the following ingredients to a spray bottle and give them a good shake before each use:

1 cup distilled water

1 Tsp Aloe Vera gel

2 drops glycerine

2 drops of essential oil (lavender or rosemary are excellent choice for healthy hair)

15 drops grapefruit seed extract (preservative)


How to Grow Your Own Aloe Vera Plant!

Growing Aloe Vera plants is easy! Every family should have at least one of these awesome plants at home!

Where to GET your Aloe Plant

The best place to obtain aloe Vera is from a friend or neighbor who already has a well-established plant growing, as they usually end up with many little baby pups growing all around the mature plant. Look to see if the pup has its own roots by probing or pulling a little, then carefully pry and cut away the baby plant from the mother plant, using a clean, sharp knife, making sure to have some of the root system attached to the little pup. If you don’t know anyone who owns an aloe Vera plant, you can easily buy one at your local nursery or even in the gardening section of a close-by department store. The most common type is Aloe Barbadensis.

How to GROW your Aloe Plant

Once you have obtained your little plant, you can put it directly into its new plant container which should be filled about three-fourths of the way with soil. Aloe grows in almost every kind of soil, but you can use a mixture of garden soil or potting mix and add some sand to make sure that it’s not too compact and drains easily. Cover all the roots of the plant but don’t bury any part of the actual aloe leaves in the garden soil. Allow it to sit for one week to allow the cuts to heal, then water the soil. After this, you can care for the Aloe Vera pup as you would a normal aloe plant.

How to CARE for Your Aloe Plant

Aloe Vera plants love lots of light, so keep them in a bright spot with proper light and sunshine. These wonderful plants are very low maintenance and don’t need any fertilizer. It’s also important to water the plant properly. The soil of the Aloe Vera plant should be allowed to go fairly dry before being watered. When the aloe plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. It is more likely that one will overwater than underwater aloe. Do not make this mistake when taking care of your plant.

How to USE Your Aloe Plant

It is always best to use the lowest leaves closest to the ground because the older the leaf, the greater the potency. Also, the leaves grow out from the center of the plant so a missing leaf will not be as noticeable. Cut off one of the lower leaves, which will be large and full of gel. Scoop off the top layer of the leaf with a knife, exposing the gel. You may use a spoon to scrape out the gel, or apply the leaf directly to the areas to be treated. The gel may also be taken internally. If you don’t use the whole leaf at once, just cut off a piece and keep the rest of the leaf in the fridge for a few days.

Have FUN!

Enjoy watching it grow from a small plant into a beautiful, lush, houseplant! It takes around two years for the plant to reach full maturity. The Aloe Vera somewhat resembles a cactus, but is actually part of the lily family! The plants are especially pretty when they start flowering, which are usually yellow and red in color. One healthy plant can be plenty for one person and, with good care, you will have lots of aloe pups to re-pot or give away. Be sure to share them with friends. They make great gifts!

Vegetarian Sushi

Vegetarian Sushi

