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Seasons of Life

Seasons of Life

Sierra Scribner

Seasons are a part of nature’s growth cycle. Yeah, we all know this in our heads but letting it sink into our hearts is a whole different story. If you realize that there’s purpose in every season, you will yield something in every season.  I frequently hear people say, “I can’t wait for my season to thrive!” You see, emotions will lie to you and tell you that your season has not yet arrived, but what if your season is a season of waiting right now? If you understand that the waiting season is actually a prime time for preparing, then you will begin to see growth manifest itself in your season of waiting. Too often, people perceive waiting as a passive activity, but when you acknowledge your season of waiting, you suddenly see that this season has to happen to propel your next season. We can choose to look at the seasons of our lives as growth opportunities because God never disappoints! Although the winter season may be prolonged in our lives, we can be sure that things are shifting underneath the frozen layer of ground. Yup, His faithful hands are at work! That is why the Bible says that He is faithful to finish the good work that He started in us. The blossoms of Spring are made possible thanks to the Winter season. God’s perfect timing allows for the blooms to come at the right time. We’ve all seen evidence of how important timing is when we have a heat wave too early in the season and the buds begin to sprout on the trees—giving us false hope. We get excited because we’re tired of the long winter months, but we quickly realize that the buds will NOT last because it was NOT the right time. We must learn NOT to rush the waiting season! Too often, we think we are ready for another season, but God knows the whole picture and that is why trusting Him is key; after all, He doesn’t miss a thing and only wants what is best for you and me. Ezekiel declares, “I will bless my people and their homes around my Holy hill. & in the PROPER SEASON I will send them the showers that they need. They will be showers of blessings.” ⭐️

Go ahead, acknowledge each season as one you can GROW ON into your next season of life!

Why worry when you can praise Him?

Why worry when you can praise Him?

Who You Really Are

Who You Really Are