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How Do I Help My Drug Addicted Child?

How Do I Help My Drug Addicted Child?

Question: My daughter lives in my hones. She is an addict. She is prescribed oxycodone and xanax. I have confronted her in the past and told her that I know she is getting additional drugs off the street, but she only denies it and then we end up arguing. Today I found a lower dose of oxycodone on the front seat of her car. I know it’s not what was prescribed to her. Should I show her what I found? She said she was going to the store and returned 3 hours later. I’m at a loss. Thank you and God bless.

Response: I'm sorry to hear about the struggle you are going through in your relationship with your daughter. I can tell that you love her deeply and want her to be healthy and happy. You sound like a caring and concerned mother, and I truly hope that things work out for the best. No matter what, she is in God's hands! 

It's often hard to know what to do or say when someone we love is going through a difficult time and refuses to let us in. Even though your intentions are genuine, sometimes there can still be miscommunication or emotions that cause more issues. I want to encourage you to pray that God would give you discernment about what to say and when to say it. Ask Him for guidance and comfort as well as protection and honesty as you continue to interact with her. Pray that He would open her heart towards both you and Him and that she would open her eyes to the danger of her situation. Remind her that even though she may feel alone, she is not! She has a family that cares for her and a heavenly Father that has a plan for her life as well. 

You can let her know how her actions are impacting you, but remember you can only speak for yourself. Be careful in your approach, and try to say what you need to say without condemning her or making her feel guilty, bad, or defensive. You love her, you want her to be safe and healthy. Its sometimes difficult to provide support while also providing options, especially if she doesn't want to listen to you. But by being open and honest, while still respecting one another, you will hopefully be able to find ways to have more productive conversations. 

I pray that God will give you comfort and peace during this time. It's easy to get wrapped up in the anxiety and pain that is thrown our way, but we have to keep in mind that we are under the protection of the Father if we ask Him, turn to Him, and have faith​ that He will do what He promises. Continue to pray, maybe find some emotional support for yourself, because even though you are not the one having the drug issues, you are still greatly impacted. Talk to loved ones, friends, or a pastor/counselor about this! Keep the faith, and remember that you are not alone! 

G2G Mentor

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