Is Suicide an Unforgivable Sin?
Message: If someone commits suicide, do they go to hell?
Response: The pandemic has left the world reeling, unsure of what tomorrow will hold. While the quarantine has left many of us feeling devastatingly alone, it is paradoxically a feeling that we are experiencing together. You are not alone in feeling isolated, depressed, anxious, and unstable during this difficult and unprecedented time. Unfortunately this knowledge isn't necessarily enough to help us stay positive, and it is understandable that during this trauma our mental health may suffer.
There are verses in the Bible that explicitly command us not to commit murder, like Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not murder." That being said, there is no specific verse in the Bible that says suicide is a sin. On the other hand, the entire Bible is God's love story for humanity and there are plenty of verses outlining how precious each and everyone one of us are to Him. He loves us so much that He died in our place, just so that we could live. Each of us has been born with a purpose. To take our own life would be cutting short that plan and while this would break God's heart.
So if someone commits suicide, do they go to hell? Ultimately only God truly knows what’s in each of our hearts when we die (Psalm 44:21), and as such only He can truly determine that (James 4:12). What we do know is He is ever-loving, ever-compassionate, and ever-understanding.
If you have had the thought about taking your own life, you are not alone and there is hope and help for your complete healing, and the absolute banishment of those negative thoughts and emotions from your mind and heart. Even though it feels like the rest of the world is unreachable, help is out there. It may be in the nurturing qualities of a close friend, the protection of a trusted adult, someone on the other end of the phone at a helpline number, or even the calming nature of your favorite hobbies. When the rest of the world feels like too much to handle, there is always someone or something that can help us take control of our thoughts, our actions, and our mental health. What you need to remember in times like these, is that you are never alone.
Here are a few resources that you can reach out to for help.
I’m sending lots of prayers your way!