Was I Brainwashed?
Question: I feel like my fear of losing my faith is what is causing me to struggle in my faith. Like sometimes I'm afraid that the reason I don't want to hear about the possibility of there being no God is because I've been brainwashed. How do I stop these thoughts or reassure myself that God is there when these thoughts come?
Response: Fear is a tricky thing. I’m very glad that you noticed this is impacting you, and that you had the courage to reach out here for help. Awareness is the first step to sorting it all out, and getting to a more confident place in your faith. I’ll do my best to help.
The enemy likes to plant seeds of doubt in our minds. It’s easy to lean into these doubts, and begin to question the very foundations of your faith. Suddenly being brought up to know and love God feels like brainwashing, and you start to wonder if you are afraid of asking questions because you’ll find out that everything you’ve been told is a lie.
The best way to become more confident in your faith is in fact to ask questions. It may feel scary or counterintuitive at the moment, but I encourage you to boldly walk in truth and seek out answers to any and all questions you have. This is encouraged in scripture! In Matthew 7:7, we are told, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” We are not expected to blindly follow; but rather to question, learn, seek, and grow in our knowledge of God and our understanding of His character.
Do you know why it is that God encourages us to openly explore truth and discover all He has in store for us? It’s because He knows His truth will prevail above all else and that His goodness, grace, and mercy will become even more evident to us. The Bible tell us: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7.
Let this serve as your reminder to not allow fear to hold any space in your heart or mind. Channel the power of the holy spirit, and walk forward in love. Have confidence that the very mind that you were given by God will be able to gain a sound understanding of all the truths you seek about Him.
I’ll be praying for you as you continue in your journey!
G2G Mentor